Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Design Intelligence October 15

1. I believe that this reading relates to user-focused design because it discusses how some websites are difficult to navigate through. In our last class discussion we talked about how easy it was to use Wikipedia and how that its ease of use was one of the reasons why it is so popular. The article also touched upon the unnecessary features that many websites have that make it difficult for people to navigate through the site. This is similar to how the phone companies would add features that they believe would help the user but instead made the product difficult to use.
2. I thought that suggestions the author gave to make sure that the words were easy to read. I thought this was important because if a person cannot read the words on a website it renders the website useless and no one will use it. I also thought that making the website easy to navigate was an important piece of information. It makes sense to make a website easy to navigate because if users cannot access the information they require, they will leave it and find a better website.
3. I think that a website URL should have something to do with what the website content will be. For instance webmd is about medical information. This would give the user a general idea to what kind of information the website contains. I also think that a website should not play any music on the website. For some reason the music a website plays always seems to annoy me, mainly because it is very bad music. If the website does play music, there should be a button cleary visible that allows viewers to turn the music off if they deem it necessary.

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