Sunday, October 12, 2008

Design Intelligence October 13

1. I believe that one of the author's main points in the article was that misinformation was one of the reasons why there were problems in the world. I believe that he felt Wikipedia was not a good source of information at all mainly due to the fact that anyone and everyone had the ability to write about something and change information to how they see fit. I think that the author has a valid point, nothing can really be said without a touch of the writers perspective. A few things that he or she feels is unimportant may be a critical aspect to another. There are also people who will change information just to be malignant.
2. "Connolley believes that Wikipedia “gives no privilege to those who know what they’re talking about,” a view that is echoed by many academics and former contributors, including Larry Sanger, who argues that too many Wikipedians are fundamentally suspicious of experts and unjustly confident of their own opinions."
I thought that this quote would demonstrate the need to have a good source for credible writing. This quote displays the downfalls of Wikipedia: that anyone can write whatever they feel like writing. For some reason, it seems like the loudest person is the one whose ideas are most accepted not the one that has the right information.
3. I think that both are very extremely similar. There are however, several differences between the two. To begin with, the Encyclopedia Britannica is written by experts where as Wikipedia can be written by any idiot taken off the street. Wikipedia may be more appealing to people because it is free, you must subscribe to Encyclopedia Britannica. People feel that there is no need to pay for information when they know of a source that is known to be credible and is free. I also think that it is a mass usage that makes Wikipedia very attractive. Let me explain, literally everyone uses Wikipedia as their source to find their information and why not? It's free, easy to access, credible for the most part and did I mention that it was free? When was the last time you saw a high school student go to the library and gather books that might possess a smidgen of information within its numerous pages. Hell, when was the last time you went to a library? And really, why should that student go to the library when he or she can just sit on their butt, go to Wikipedia and find everything the need.

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